Wolf Creek Trail Project Planning and Design | Grass Valley, California
Industry: Public, Municipal
Permitting & Licensing, land planning, biological resources

Surf to Snow is prime consultant that led a diverse team that provided preliminary engineering design, environmental studies and related services for construction of a 2.3-mile extension of the Wolf Creek Trail through the City of Grass Valley. The project culminated in the delivery of 30% level engineering design and completion of the environmental review processes including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) studies and documentation.
The work included conducting an alternatives analysis and preferred route selection, surveying (including topographic and boundary surveys), preliminary engineering designs, and preliminary cost estimates. Surf to Snow completed the CEQA documents and process, including the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Notice of Completion, and all necessary additional technical studies. Additional studies included, Biological Resources Studies (Tree Survey, Aquatic Resources, Special-Status Species), Cultural Resource Investigation, Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessment, and Transportation Analysis. Project duties also included community outreach, public and project meetings, agency coordination (in particular with Caltrans) and overall coordination.