Biological Resources

We support all project phases: from permitting and planning to construction and restoration. 

Our biological services team provides technical support for all project phases. Staff expertise includes botany, wildlife, wetland delineation, aquatic ecology, fisheries, and arboriculture.

We conduct terrestrial, aquatic, and marine habitat and impact assessments; surveys for native fish, amphibians/reptiles, and invertebrates; assessments for aquatic habitat (e.g., spawning/breeding habitat); reconnaissance and protocol surveys for special-status plants, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife species; nesting bird surveys; and wetland assessments and jurisdictional delineations. We prepare and deliver environmental training programs and biological monitoring for construction, maintenance, and operations crews. We develop and implement terrestrial and aquatic avoidance and mitigation measures, including erosion control.

Surf to Snow biologists are experienced working with commercial firms, federal agencies, utilities, transportation agencies, and local Districts and municipalities.


We add value to our clients with biologists cross-trained to address both natural resource and stormwater compliance for projects.

We have extensive experience with more than 90 special status and US Forest Service Sensitive species across the western US. 



California Tiger Salamander

Foothill Yellow-legged Frog

California Red-legged Frog*


Smith’s Blue Butterfly

Bay Checkerspot Butterfly

Callippe Silverspot Butterfly

Mission Blue Butterfly

Zayante Band-winged Grasshopper

Vernal Pool Branchiopods


Black Abalone*



Tricolored Blackbird

Western Snowy Plover

California Black Rail

Long-billed Curlew

American White Pelican

California Brown Pelican

California Clapper Rail

California Least Tern

Northern Goshawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Golden Eagle

Burrowing Owl

Ferruginous Hawk

Swainson’s Hawk

Northern Harrier

White-tailed Kite


Bald Eagle



Tidewater Goby

Delta Smelt

Coho Salmon–Central California Coast ESU

Steelhead–Central California Coast DP


Dusky-footed Woodrat (all)

Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse

Salt-marsh Wandering Shrew

San Joaquin Kit Fox

Mohave Ground Squirrel*


Alameda Whipsnake

Desert Tortoise 

Western Pond Turtle

Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard

Coast Horned Lizard

San Francisco Garter Snake

Giant Garter Snake

* Federal and/or State Permits Held.

Section 10(a)(1)(A) Permits for:
Black Abalone, California Red-legged Frog


Contact us for additional information about our experience and Qualifications.

Support Areas