Marine Construction – Biological Survey and Monitoring | Santa Cruz, CA
Industry: Commercial
Biological Resources, Scientific Diving

Surf to Snow was the lead consultant to provide terrestrial and marine biological survey and monitoring for special status species to monitor and quantitatively assess impacts from construction of new seawater intake pipes for the UC Santa Cruz’ Long Marine Lab. Impacts were avoided and minimized resulting in no detectable long-term impacts to the intertidal and subtidal marine population monitored. Seven regulatory agencies (consisting of State and federal agencies) issued permits for this project and special conditions listed in the permits required survey and monitoring for California red-legged frog (CRLF, Rana draytonii) and black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii). Marine wildlife monitoring also included marine mammals and seabirds. Qualified biologists developed Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) materials to support construction crew training, conducted nesting bird surveys, CRLF and black abalone surveys, and development of subtidal and intertidal avoidance and minimization plans for black abalone. Intertidal surveys were conducted to identify a construction access point that would result in no trampling impacts in the intertidal zone during construction. Subtidal survey and monitoring were led by a American Academy of Underwater Sciences- certified divers federally permitted to handle black abalone and involved use of the S2S-owned marine operations support boat .