Environmental Regulatory Support Services | Various Locations, California
Industry: Public, utilities
Permitting & licensing

Surf to Snow leads the delivery of ongoing regulatory compliance services for the California Water Service Company (CalWater) water pipeline maintenance, replacement, or installation, specializing in “spans” that cross water bodies. Surf to Snow provides expertise to plan projects most efficiently regarding environmental laws and regulations (e.g., CEQA/NEPA, Regional Water Board Basin Plans, SWRCB Integrated 305(b)/303(d) Report, RWQCB 401 Certifications, USACE Sections 404 and 408, and CDFW Section 1600), and other local or regional permitting requirements. Surf to Snow provides critical input during the preliminary design phase that minimizes the regulatory burden of each project, often providing creative options that eliminate some or all of the permitting requirements while maintaining full compliance.