Electric Transmission SCADA Switch Program – Environmental Planning | Northern & Central California
Industry: Utilities
Services: Environmental Planning

Surf to Snow is subconsultant providing multi-variate environmental support services associated with the upgrade of over 400 manual electric transmission switches to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) switches across the utility’s service territory. The construction areas for the upgrades involve ground disturbance and use of heavy equipment. Surf to Snow provides schedule tracking, technical document preparation, budget management, environmental release to construction documentation, on-the-ground training, monitoring, stormwater protection, and post-construction restoration.
The Surf to Snow team works closely with the client to ensure early phases of project design incorporate environmental constraints and to come up with a plan to keep the project on track while mitigating or avoiding construction-related impacts to environmental resources. Our biologists are qualified and possess the necessary Federal Handling Permits for special status species; our regulatory specialists and managers possess experience working with agencies including the US Army Corps of Engineers to successfully obtain permits and deliver environmental documentation including streambed alteration agreements, and wetland delineations.