CalEOS Emergency Action Plans Support
Industry: Utilities
Services: LAnd Planning, regulatory services
S2S used the Gem Lake Dam EAP (including any comments from CalOES) as a template to develop drafts of the remaining Eastern Ops EAPs, starting with Agnew Lake Dam and Rush Meadows Dam. The development of these EAPs will heavily rely on the existing FERC EAPs and information from SCE, including SCE Operations staff. S2S collaborated with Meg Richardson to collect needed technical information (including maps, drawings, and investigations and analysis of dambreak floods). S2S used the Gem Lake Dam EAP (including any comments from CalOES) as a template to develop the Western Ops EAPs, starting with the Big Creek System. The development of these EAPs heavily relies on the existing FERC EAPs and information from SCE, including SCE Operations staff. We performed miscellaneous tasks in support of the CalOES EAPs. This includes but is not limited to project management; check-in meetings with SCE; background support of SCE meetings with CalOES; developing or updating internal training documents or procedures; facilitating additional meetings or site visits; documenting CalOES requirements for developing or updating guidance documents; and developing materials in support of annual meetings or functional exercises.