Alex Stewart
Biology Supervisor
EXPERTISE: Team Management, Client Coordination, Wildlife Biology, Environmental Planning, Water Quality, Environmental Compliance
BIOGRAPHY: Mr. Alex Stewart holds over 15 years of professional biology and planning experience. As Biology Supervisor for S2S, he coordinates and schedules biology technical staff to perform assessments, surveys, and monitoring. He is skilled at managing projects, communicating with clients, and managing project budgets. He has coordinated with 30+ project teams to ensure that projects receive appropriate biological support. In addition to his coordination and Project Management experience, Mr. Stewart has extensive field survey and monitoring experience with sensitive species including California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, burrowing owl, and San Joaquin kit fox including nighttime spotlight surveys, walking transect surveys, and remote camera/scent station surveys. Mr. Stewart is an environmental land planner for PG&E’s GT Digs program. Mr. Stewart has 5 years’ experience as a designated stormwater inspector and 3 years of experience as an Environmental Inspector. As an environmental inspector, he inspects and monitors projects to achieve stormwater and overall environmental compliance.
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science, Environmental Management and Protection, Concentration in Wildlife and Natural Resources, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA